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Wavelet analysis enabled version of spm_spm.m


function SPM = pr_estimate(SPM, VY, params)


 Wavelet analysis enabled version of spm_spm.m
 Estimation of the General Linear Model
 FORMAT SPM = pr_estimate(SPM, VY, params)

 Based on:
 @(#)spm_spm.m    2.37 Andrew Holmes, Jean-Baptiste Poline, Karl Friston 99/11/26
 The primary differences from the SPM99 version are:
 1) No smoothness estimation (and no RPV output image)
 2) Output file name is [wtprefix 'phiw_spm.mat']
 3) Beta, ResMS image have wtprefix appended
 4) xCon is not saved separately, but in output file
 5) Design returned in SPM output structure
 6) Option to write out residual images during estimation

 VY    - nScan x nVar struct array of mapped image volumes
         Images must have the same orientation, voxel size and data type
       - Any scaling should have already been applied via the image handle
       - defaults to images stored in design

 params - structure containing options
       'write_res'  if 1, write residual images

 For detailed help on the mathematics, structures etc, see spm_spm.m in
 the SPM99 distribution - version string above.

 $Id: pr_estimate.m,v 1.9 2005/07/01 18:02:06 matthewbrett Exp $


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function SPM = pr_estimate(SPM, VY, params)
0002 % Wavelet analysis enabled version of spm_spm.m
0003 % Estimation of the General Linear Model
0004 % FORMAT SPM = pr_estimate(SPM, VY, params)
0005 %
0006 % Based on:
0007 % @(#)spm_spm.m    2.37 Andrew Holmes, Jean-Baptiste Poline, Karl Friston 99/11/26
0008 %
0009 % The primary differences from the SPM99 version are:
0010 % 1) No smoothness estimation (and no RPV output image)
0011 % 2) Output file name is [wtprefix 'phiw_spm.mat']
0012 % 3) Beta, ResMS image have wtprefix appended
0013 % 4) xCon is not saved separately, but in output file
0014 % 5) Design returned in SPM output structure
0015 % 6) Option to write out residual images during estimation
0016 %
0017 % VY    - nScan x nVar struct array of mapped image volumes
0018 %         Images must have the same orientation, voxel size and data type
0019 %       - Any scaling should have already been applied via the image handle
0020 %         scalefactors.
0021 %       - defaults to images stored in design
0022 %
0023 % params - structure containing options
0024 %       'write_res'  if 1, write residual images
0025 %
0026 % For detailed help on the mathematics, structures etc, see spm_spm.m in
0027 % the SPM99 distribution - version string above.
0028 %
0029 % $Id: pr_estimate.m,v 1.9 2005/07/01 18:02:06 matthewbrett Exp $
0031 %-Condition arguments
0032 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
0033 def_params = struct('write_res', 1);
0035 if nargin < 1
0036   error('Need SPM design structure');
0037 end
0038 if nargin < 2
0039   VY = [];
0040 end
0041 if isempty(VY)
0042   if ~isfield(SPM, 'VY')
0043     error('Need data to estimate for');
0044   end
0045   VY = SPM.VY;
0046 end
0047 if nargin < 3
0048   params = [];
0049 end
0050 params = mars_struct('ffillsplit', def_params, params);
0052 if ~isfield(SPM, 'xX'), error('Need design in SPM structure'); end
0053 xX = SPM.xX;
0054 if ~isfield(SPM, 'xM')
0055   xM = zeros(size(xX.X,1),1);
0056 else
0057   xM = SPM.xM;
0058 end
0059 if ~isfield(SPM, 'F_iX0')
0060   F_iX0 = []; 
0061 else
0062   F_iX0 = SPM.F_iX0;
0063 end
0065 % Check images are wt'ed
0066 wvobj = phiw_wvimg(VY(1), struct('noproc', 1));
0067 if isempty(wvobj), error('Images do not appear to have been WTed'), end
0068 wti = wtinfo(wvobj);
0069 wtp = wti.wtprefix;
0070 phiw_mat_name = [wtp 'phiw_spm.mat'];
0072 % We must set SPMid to contain SPM99 string in order for the mardo_99 object
0073 % to recognize this as an SPM99 design
0074 SPMid  = sprintf('SPM99: Phiwave estimation; %s version %s', ...
0075          mfilename, ...
0076          mars_cvs_version(mfilename, 'phido_99'));
0078 % Backspace macro
0079 bs30 = repmat(sprintf('\b'),1,30);
0081 %-Say hello
0082 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
0083 Finter   = spm('FigName','Stats: estimation...'); spm('Pointer','Watch')
0085 %-Parameters
0086 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
0087 maxMem   = 2^30;    %-Max data chunking size, in bytes
0089 %-Check required fields of xX structure exist - default optional fields
0090 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
0091 for tmp = {'X','Xnames'}
0092     if ~isfield(xX,tmp)
0093              error(sprintf('xX doesn''t contain ''%s'' field',tmp{:}))
0094     end
0095 end
0096 if ~isfield(xX,'K')
0097     xX.K  = speye(size(xX.X,1));
0098 end
0099 if ~isfield(xX,'xVi')
0100     xX.xVi = struct(    'Vi',    speye(size(xX.X,1)),...
0101                 'Form',    'none'); 
0102 end
0104 %-If xM is not a structure then assumme it's a vector of thresholds
0105 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
0106 if ~isstruct(xM), xM = struct(    'T',    [],...
0107                 'TH',    xM,...
0108                 'I',    0,...
0109                 'VM',    {[]},...
0110                 'xs',    struct('Masking','analysis threshold'));
0111 end
0113 %-Delete files from previous analyses
0114 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
0115 if exist(fullfile('.',phiw_mat_name),'file')==2
0116     spm('alert!',{...
0117         'Current directory contains some phiwave stats results files!',...
0118             ['        (pwd = ',pwd,')'],...
0119         'Existing results are being overwritten!'},...
0120         mfilename,1);
0121     warning(sprintf('Overwriting existing results\n\t (pwd = %s) ',pwd))
0122     drawnow
0123 end
0125 files = { 'mask.???','ResMS.???','ResI_?????.???'...
0126       'beta_????.???','con_????.???',...
0127       'ess_????.???', 'spm?_????.???'};
0128 for i=1:length(files), files{i} = [wtp files{i}]; end
0129 files{end+1} = phiw_mat_name;
0131 for i=1:length(files)
0132     if any(files{i} == '*'|files{i} == '?' )
0133         [tmp,null] = spm_list_files(pwd,files{i});
0134         for i=1:size(tmp,1)
0135             spm_unlink(deblank(tmp(i,:)))
0136         end
0137     else
0138         spm_unlink(files{i})
0139     end
0140 end
0142 %-Check & note Y images dimensions, orientation & voxel size
0143 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
0144 if any(any(diff(cat(1,VY(:).dim),1,1),1) & [1,1,1,0]) 
0145     error('images do not all have the same dimensions')
0146 end
0147 if any(any(any(diff(cat(3,VY(:).mat),1,3),3)))
0148     error('images do not all have same orientation & voxel size')
0149 end
0151 M      = VY(1,1).mat;
0152 DIM    = VY(1,1).dim(1:3)';
0153 N      = 3 - sum(DIM == 1);
0156 %=======================================================================
0157 % - A N A L Y S I S   P R E L I M I N A R I E S
0158 %=======================================================================
0160 %-Initialise design space
0161 %=======================================================================
0162 fprintf('%-40s: %30s','Initialising design space','...computing')    %-#
0164 %-Construct design parmameters, and store in design structure xX
0165 % Take care to apply temporal convolution - KX stored as xX.xKX.X
0166 %-Note that Vi may not be known exactly at this point, if it is to be
0167 % estimated. Parameters dependent on Vi are committed to xX at the end.
0168 %-Note that the default F-contrast (used to identify "interesting" voxels
0169 % to save raw data for) computation requires Vi. Thus, if Vi is to be
0170 % estimated, any F-threshold will only be have upper tail probability UFp.
0171 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
0172 % V            - Autocorrelation matrix K*Vi*K'
0173 % xX.xKXs      - Design space structure of KX
0174 % xX.pKX       - Pseudoinverse of KX
0175 % trRV,trRVRV  - Variance expectations
0176 % erdf         - Effective residual d.f.
0177 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
0178 [nScan nBeta] = size(xX.X);
0179 [nScan nVar]  = size(VY);
0180 KVi           = mardo_99('spm_filter', 'apply',xX.K, xX.xVi.Vi);
0181 V             = mardo_99('spm_filter', 'apply',xX.K,KVi');
0182 xX.xKXs       = spm_sp('Set',mardo_99('spm_filter', 'apply',xX.K, xX.X));
0183 xX.pKX        = spm_sp('x-',xX.xKXs);
0184 [trRV trRVRV] = spm_SpUtil('trRV',xX.xKXs,V);
0185 erdf          = trRV^2/trRVRV;
0188 %-Check estimability
0189 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
0190 if  erdf < 0
0191     error(sprintf('This design is completely unestimable! (df=%-.2g)',erdf))
0192 elseif erdf == 0
0193     error('This design has no residuals! (df=0)')
0194 elseif erdf < 4
0195     warning(sprintf('Very low degrees of freedom (df=%-.2g)',erdf))
0196 end
0199 %-Default F-contrasts (in contrast structure) & Y.mad pointlist filtering
0200 %=======================================================================
0201 fprintf('%s%30s',bs30,'...F-contrast')           %-#
0203 if isempty(F_iX0)
0204     F_iX0 = struct(    'iX0',        [],...
0205             'name',        'all effects');
0206 elseif ~isstruct(F_iX0)
0207     F_iX0 = struct(    'iX0',        F_iX0,...
0208             'name',        'effects of interest');
0209 end
0211 %-Create Contrast structure array
0212 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
0213 xCon  = spm_FcUtil('Set',F_iX0(1).name,'F','iX0',F_iX0(1).iX0,xX.xKXs);
0214 for i = 2:length(F_iX0)
0215   xcon = spm_FcUtil('Set',F_iX0(i).name,'F','iX0',F_iX0(i).iX0,xX.xKXs);
0216   xCon = [xCon xcon];
0217 end
0219 %-Parameters for saving in Y.mad (based on first F-contrast)
0220 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
0221 [trMV trMVMV] = spm_SpUtil('trMV',spm_FcUtil('X1o',xCon(1),xX.xKXs),V);
0222 eidf          = trMV^2/trMVMV;
0223 h             = spm_FcUtil('Hsqr',xCon(1),xX.xKXs);
0225 %-Modify structures for multivariate inference
0226 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
0227 if nVar > 1
0229   fprintf('%s%30s',bs30,'...multivariate prep')%-#
0231   % pseudoinverse of null partition KX0
0232   %---------------------------------------------------------------
0233   KX0         = spm_FcUtil('X0',xCon(1),xX.xKXs);
0234   pKX0        = pinv(KX0);
0236   %-Modify Contrast structure for multivariate inference
0237   %---------------------------------------------------------------
0238   str       = 'Canonical variate';
0239   xCon      = spm_FcUtil('Set',str,'F','iX0',xCon.iX0,xX.xKXs);
0241   %-Degrees of freedom (Rao 1951)
0242   %---------------------------------------------------------------
0243   h         = rank(spm_FcUtil('X1o',xCon(1),xX.xKXs));
0244   p         = nVar;
0245   r         = erdf;
0246   a         = r - (p - h + 1)/2;
0247   if (p + h) == 3;
0248     b = 1;
0249   else
0250     b = sqrt((p^2 * h^2 - 4)/(p^2 + h^2 - 5));
0251   end
0252   c         = (p*h - 2)/2;
0253   erdf      = a*b - c;
0254   eidf      = p*h;
0255   xCon.eidf = eidf;
0256 end
0258 fprintf('%s%30s\n',bs30,'...done')               %-#
0260 %-Initialise output images
0261 %=======================================================================
0262 fprintf('%-40s: %30s','Output images','...initialising')             %-#
0264 %-Image dimensions
0265 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
0266 xdim    = DIM(1); ydim = DIM(2); zdim = DIM(3);
0267 YNaNrep = spm_type(VY(1,1).dim(4),'nanrep');
0269 %-Intialise the name of the new mask : current mask & conditions on voxels
0270 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
0271 VM    = struct(        'fname',    [wtp 'mask.img'],...
0272             'dim',        [DIM',spm_type('uint8')],...
0273             'mat',        M,...
0274             'pinfo',    [1 0 0]',...
0275             'descrip',    'phiwave:resultant analysis mask');
0276 VM    = spm_create_image(VM);
0279 %-Intialise beta image files
0280 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
0281 Vbeta_tmp = deal(struct(...
0282             'fname',    [],...
0283             'dim',        [DIM',spm_type('float')],...
0284             'mat',        M,...
0285             'pinfo',    [1 0 0]',...
0286             'descrip',    ''));
0288 for i = 1:nBeta
0289     Vbeta_tmp.fname   = sprintf('%sbeta_%04d.img', wtp, i);
0290     Vbeta_tmp.descrip = sprintf('phiwave:beta (%04d) - %s',i,xX.Xnames{i});
0291     spm_unlink(Vbeta_tmp.fname)
0292     Vbeta(i)         = spm_create_image(Vbeta_tmp);
0293 end
0296 %-Intialise residual sum of squares image file
0297 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
0298 VResMS = struct(    'fname',    [wtp 'ResMS.img'],...
0299             'dim',        [DIM',spm_type('double')],...
0300             'mat',        M,...
0301             'pinfo',    [1 0 0]',...
0302             'descrip',    'phiwave:Residual sum-of-squares');
0303 VResMS = spm_create_image(VResMS);
0305 %-Intialise residual images
0306 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
0307 if params.write_res
0308   VResI_shell = struct(...
0309       'fname',  [],...
0310       'dim',    [DIM',spm_type('double')],...
0311       'mat',    M,...
0312       'pinfo',  [1 0 0]',...
0313       'descrip','spm_spm:Residual image');
0315   for i = 1:nScan
0316     vr_i = VResI_shell;
0317     vr_i.fname   = sprintf('%sResI_%05d.img', wtp, i);
0318     vr_i.descrip = sprintf('spm_spm:ResI (%04d)', i);
0319     spm_unlink(vr_i.fname);
0320     VResI(i) = spm_create_image(vr_i);
0321   end
0322 else
0323   VResI = [];
0324 end
0326 %-Intialise multivariate SPMF file
0327 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
0328 if nVar > 1
0329     Vspm   = struct('fname',    [wtp 'mvSPMF.img'],...
0330             'dim',        [DIM',spm_type('double')],...
0331             'mat',        M,...
0332             'pinfo',    [1 0 0]',...
0333             'descrip',    'phiwave:multivariate F');
0334     Vspm   = spm_create_image(Vspm);
0335 end
0337 fprintf('%s%30s\n',bs30,'...initialised')        %-#
0340 %=======================================================================
0341 % - F I T   M O D E L   &   W R I T E   P A R A M E T E R    I M A G E S
0342 %=======================================================================
0344 %-Find a suitable block size for the main loop, which proceeds a bunch
0345 % of lines at a time (minimum = one line; maximum = one plane)
0346 % (maxMem is the maximum amount of data that will be processed at a time)
0347 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
0348 blksz    = maxMem/8/nScan/nVar;            %-block size (in bytes)
0349 if ydim < 2, error('ydim < 2'), end        %-need at least 2 lines
0350 nl     = max(min(round(blksz/xdim),ydim),1);     %-max # lines / block
0351 clines    = 1:nl:ydim;                %-bunch start line #'s
0352 blines  = diff([clines ydim+1]);        %-#lines per bunch
0353 nbch    = length(clines);            %-#bunches
0356 %-Intialise other variables used through the loop
0357 %=======================================================================
0358 BePm        = zeros(1,xdim*ydim);            %-below plane (mask)
0359 CrVox       = struct('res',[],'ofs',[],'ind',[]);   %-current voxels
0360                             % res : residuals
0361                                % ofs : mask offset
0362                             % ind : indices
0364 xords  = [1:xdim]'*ones(1,ydim); xords = xords(:)'; %-plane X coordinates
0365 yords  = ones(xdim,1)*[1:ydim];  yords = yords(:)'; %-plane Y coordinates
0367 %-Initialise XYZ matrix of in-mask voxel co-ordinates (real space)
0368 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
0369 XYZ   = [];
0371 %-Smoothness estimation variables
0372 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
0373 S      = 0;                                     % Volume analyzed (in voxels)
0375 %-parameter for estimation of intrinsic correlations AR(1) model
0376 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
0377 A      = 0;                    %-regression coeficient
0379 %-Cycle over bunches of lines within planes (planks) to avoid memory problems
0380 %=======================================================================
0381 spm_progress_bar('Init',100,'model estimation','');
0383 for z = 1:zdim                %-loop over planes (2D or 3D data)
0385     zords   = z*ones(xdim*ydim,1)';    %-plane Z coordinates
0386     CrBl    = [];            %-current plane betas
0387     CrResI  = [];            %-normalized residuals
0388     CrmvF   = [];            %-current plane mvF-squared
0389     CrResSS = [];            %-current plane ResSS
0391     for bch = 1:nbch            %-loop over bunches of lines (planks)
0393     %-# Print progress information in command window
0394     %---------------------------------------------------------------
0395     fprintf('\r%-40s: %30s',sprintf('Plane %3d/%-3d, plank %3d/%-3d',...
0396         z,zdim,bch,nbch),' ')                                %-#
0398     cl    = clines(bch);          %-line index of first line of bunch
0399     bl    = blines(bch);          %-number of lines for this bunch
0401     %-construct list of voxels in this bunch of lines
0402     %---------------------------------------------------------------
0403     I     = ((cl-1)*xdim+1):((cl+bl-1)*xdim);    %-lines cl:cl+bl-1
0404     xyz   = [xords(I); yords(I); zords(I)];        %-voxel coords in bch
0407     %-Get data & construct analysis mask for this bunch of lines
0408     %===============================================================
0409     fprintf('%s%30s',bs30,'...read & mask data')%-#
0410     CrLm    = logical(ones(1,xdim*bl));        %-current lines mask
0411     CrLmxyz = zeros(size(CrLm));            %-and for smoothnes
0413     %-Compute explicit mask
0414     % (note that these may not have same orientations)
0415     %---------------------------------------------------------------
0416     for i = 1:length(xM.VM)
0417         tM   = inv(xM.VM(i).mat)*M;        %-Reorientation matrix
0418         tmp  = tM * [xyz;ones(1,size(xyz,2))];    %-Coords in mask image
0420         %-Load mask image within current mask & update mask
0421         %-------------------------------------------------------
0422         CrLm(CrLm) = spm_sample_vol(xM.VM(i),...
0423                 tmp(1,CrLm),tmp(2,CrLm),tmp(3,CrLm),0) > 0;
0424     end
0426     %-Get the data in mask, compute threshold & implicit masks
0427     %---------------------------------------------------------------
0428     Y     = zeros(nScan,xdim*bl);
0429     for i = 1:nScan
0430         if ~any(CrLm), break, end        %-Break if empty mask
0431         Y(i,CrLm)  = spm_sample_vol(VY(i,1),... %-Load data in mask
0432                 xyz(1,CrLm),xyz(2,CrLm),xyz(3,CrLm),0);
0433         CrLm(CrLm) = Y(i,CrLm) > xM.TH(i,1);    %-Threshold (& NaN) mask
0434         if xM.I & ~YNaNrep & xM.TH(i,1)<0    %-Use implicit 0 mask
0435             CrLm(CrLm) = abs(Y(i,CrLm))>eps;
0436         end
0437     end
0439     %-Mask out voxels where data is constant
0440     %---------------------------------------------------------------
0441     CrLm(CrLm) = any(diff(Y(:,CrLm),1));
0443     %-Apply mask
0444     %---------------------------------------------------------------
0445     Y          = Y(:,CrLm);            %-Data matrix within mask
0446     CrS        = sum(CrLm);            %-#current voxels
0447     CrVox.ofs  = I(1) - 1;            %-Current voxels line offset
0448     CrVox.ind  = find(CrLm);        %-Voxel indicies (within bunch)
0451     %-if any voxels
0452     %---------------------------------------------------------------
0453     nVox  = sum(CrLm);
0454     if nVox
0456     %-Proceed with General Linear Model & smoothness estimation
0457     %===============================================================
0458     if nVar == 1                % univariate
0460         %-Estimate intrinsic correlation structure AR(1) model
0461         %-------------------------------------------------------
0462         switch xX.xVi.Form
0464             case 'AR(1)'
0465             %---------------------------------------------------
0466             fprintf('%s%30s',bs30,...
0467                     '...AR(1) estimation')         %-#
0469             for i = 1:length(xX.xVi.row)
0470             y = spm_detrend(Y(xX.xVi.row{i},:));
0471             q = 1:(size(y,1) - 1);
0472             a = sum(y(q,:).*y(q + 1,:))./sum(y(q,:).*y(q,:));
0473             A = A + [1; -mean(a)];
0474             end
0475         end
0477         %-Temporal smoothing
0478         %-------------------------------------------------------
0479         fprintf('%s%30s',bs30,...
0480                     '...temporal smoothing')     %-#
0482         KY        = mardo_99('spm_filter', 'apply',xX.K, Y);
0484         %-General linear model: least squares estimation
0485         % (Using pinv to allow for non-unique designs            )
0486         % (Including temporal convolution of design matrix with K)
0487         %-------------------------------------------------------
0488         fprintf('%s%30s',bs30,...
0489                     '...parameter estimation')   %-#
0490         beta      = xX.pKX * KY;        %-Parameter estimates
0491         res       = spm_sp('r',xX.xKXs,KY);    %-Residuals
0492         ResSS     = sum(res.^2);        %-Res sun-of-squares
0493         clear KY                %-Clear to save memory
0495     %-ManCova (assuming no filtering)
0496     %===============================================================
0497     else
0499         %-get nVar-variate response variable
0500         %-------------------------------------------------------
0501         fprintf('%s%30s',bs30,...
0502                   '...Canonical Variates Analysis')   %-#
0504         y     = zeros(nScan,nVar,nVox);
0505         Y     = zeros(nScan,nVox);
0506         res   = zeros(nScan,nVox);
0507         beta  = zeros(nBeta,nVox);
0508         V     = zeros(nVar,nVox);
0509         for i = 1:nScan
0510             for j = 1:nVar
0511                 y(i,j,:)  = spm_sample_vol(VY(i,j),...
0512                 xyz(1,CrLm),xyz(2,CrLm),xyz(3,CrLm),0);
0513             end
0514         end
0515         for i = 1:nVox
0517             %-parameter estimates
0518             %-----------------------------------------------
0519             y(:,:,i)  = y(:,:,i) - KX0*(pKX0 * y(:,:,i));
0520             BETA      = xX.pKX * y(:,:,i);
0521             h         = xX.xKXs.X * BETA;
0522             r         = y(:,:,i) - h;
0524             %-Canonical variate analysis
0525             %-----------------------------------------------
0526             [u v]     = eig(h'*h,r'*r);
0527             v         = diag(v);
0528             CU        = u(:,find(v == max(v)));
0530             %-project onto first CV
0531             %-----------------------------------------------
0532             V(:,i)    = v;
0533             res(:,i)  = r*CU;
0534             Y(:,i)    = y(:,:,i)*CU;
0535             beta(:,i) = BETA*CU;
0537         end
0539         % conpute multivariate F transform for Wilk's Lambda
0540         %-------------------------------------------------------
0541         ResSS = sum(res.^2);        %-along canonical vector
0542         W     = prod(1./(1 + V)).^(1/b);
0543         mvF   = (1 - W)./W*erdf/eidf;
0544         CrmvF = [CrmvF,mvF];
0546     end
0548     clear Y                    %-Clear to save memory
0551     %-Save betas etc. for current plane in memory as we go along
0552     % (if there is not enough memory, could save directly as float)
0553     % (analyze images, or *.mad and retreive when plane complete )
0554     %---------------------------------------------------------------
0555     CrBl     = [CrBl,beta];
0556     if params.write_res, CrResI  = [CrResI, res]; end
0557     CrResSS = [CrResSS,ResSS];
0559     end % (nVox)
0561     %-Append new inmask voxel locations and volumes
0562     %---------------------------------------------------------------
0563     XYZ            = [XYZ,xyz(:,CrLm)];    %-InMask XYZ voxel coordinates
0564     S              = S + CrS;        %-Volume analysed (voxels)
0565                             % (equals size(XYZ,2))
0567     %-Roll...
0568     %---------------------------------------------------------------
0569     BePm(I)        = CrLm;            %-"below plane" mask
0571     end % (for bch = 1:nbch)
0574     %-Plane complete, write out plane data to image files
0575     %===================================================================
0576     fprintf('%s%30s',bs30,'...saving plane')     %-#
0578     %-Mask image
0579     %-BePm now contains a complete plane mask
0580     %-------------------------------------------------------------------
0581     VM    = spm_write_plane(VM, reshape(BePm,xdim,ydim), z);
0583     %-Construct voxel indices for BePm
0584     %-------------------------------------------------------------------
0585     Q     = find(BePm);
0586     tmp   = NaN*ones(xdim,ydim);
0588     %-Write beta images
0589     %-------------------------------------------------------------------
0590     for i = 1:nBeta
0591         if length(Q), tmp(Q) = CrBl(i,:); end
0592     Vbeta(i) = spm_write_plane(Vbeta(i),tmp,z);
0593     end
0595     %-Write variance images
0596     %-------------------------------------------------------------------
0597     if params.write_res
0598       for i = 1:nScan
0599         if length(Q), tmp(Q) = CrResI(i,:); end
0600     VResI(i) = spm_write_plane(VResI(i), tmp, z);
0601       end
0602     end
0604     %-Write ResSS into ResMS (variance) image
0605     % (Scaling of ResSS to ResMS by trRV is accomplished by adjusting the
0606     % (scalefactor at the end, once the intrinsic temporal autocorrelation
0607     % (Vi has been estimated.
0608     %-------------------------------------------------------------------
0609     if length(Q), tmp(Q) = CrResSS; end
0610     VResMS = spm_write_plane(VResMS,tmp,z);        
0612     %-Write SPM (multivariate inference only)
0613     %-------------------------------------------------------------------
0614     if nVar > 1
0615     if length(Q), tmp(Q) = CrmvF; end
0616     Vspm = spm_write_plane(Vspm,tmp,z);    
0617     end
0619     %-Report progress
0620     %-------------------------------------------------------------------
0621     fprintf('%s%30s',bs30,'...done')             %-#
0622     spm_progress_bar('Set',100*(bch + nbch*(z-1))/(nbch*zdim));
0624 end % (for z = 1:zdim)
0625 fprintf('\n')                                                        %-#
0628 %=======================================================================
0629 % - P O S T   E S T I M A T I O N   C L E A N U P
0630 %=======================================================================
0631 if S == 0, warning('No inmask voxels - empty analysis!'), end
0634 %-Intrinsic autocorrelations: Vi
0635 %=======================================================================
0636 fprintf('%-40s: %30s','Design parameters','...intrinsic autocorrelation') %-#
0638 %-Compute (session specific) intrinsic autocorrelation Vi
0639 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
0640 switch xX.xVi.Form
0641     case 'AR(1)'
0642     %---------------------------------------------------
0643     p     = length(A) - 1;            % order AR(p)
0644     A     = A/A(1);
0645     for i = 1:length(xX.xVi.row)
0646         q     = xX.xVi.row{i};
0647         n     = length(q);
0648         Ki    = inv(spdiags(ones(n,1)*A',-[0:p],n,n));
0649         Ki    = Ki.*(Ki > 1e-6);
0650         Vi    = Ki*Ki';
0651         D     = spdiags(sqrt(1./diag(Vi)),0,n,n);
0652         Vi    = D*Vi*D;
0653         xX.xVi.Vi(q,q) = Vi;
0654     end
0655 end
0656 xX.xVi.Param = A;
0659 %-[Re]-enter Vi & derived values into design structure xX
0660 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
0661 fprintf('%s%30s',bs30,'...V, & traces')          %-#
0663 KVi      = mardo_99('spm_filter', 'apply',xX.K, xX.xVi.Vi);
0664 xX.V     = mardo_99('spm_filter', 'apply',xX.K,KVi');     %-V matrix
0665 xX.pKXV  = xX.pKX*xX.V;                %-for contrast variance weight
0666 xX.Bcov  = xX.pKXV*xX.pKX';            %-Variance of est. param.
0667 [xX.trRV,xX.trRVRV] ...                %-Variance expectations
0668          = spm_SpUtil('trRV',xX.xKXs,xX.V);
0669 xX.erdf  = xX.trRV^2/xX.trRVRV;            %-Effective residual d.f.
0671 %-Compute scaled design matrix for display purposes
0672 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
0673 fprintf('%s%30s',bs30,'...scaling DesMtx')       %-#
0674 xX.nKX   = spm_DesMtx('sca',xX.xKXs.X,xX.Xnames);
0676 %-Set VResMS scalefactor as 1/trRV (raw voxel data is ResSS)
0677 % Note that, due to a bug in the SPM2 vol utils, this scalefactor does
0678 % not get properly written if we just use pinfo, so we have to save,
0679 % reload to set it here.
0680 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
0681 VResMS = spm_close_vol(VResMS);
0682 img    = spm_read_vols(VResMS);
0683 img    = img / xX.trRV;
0684 VResMS = spm_write_vol(VResMS, img);
0686 %-"close" written image files, updating scalefactor information
0687 %=======================================================================
0688 fprintf('%s%30s',bs30,'...closing image files')  %-#
0689 VM                      = spm_close_vol(VM);
0690 Vbeta                   = spm_close_vol(Vbeta);
0691 if nVar > 1,   Vspm     = spm_close_vol(Vspm);     end
0692 if params.write_res, VResI = spm_close_vol(VResI); end
0694 %-Unmap files, retaining image names, and reset erdf if MV
0695 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
0696 fprintf('%s%30s',bs30,'...tidying file handles') %-#
0697 VM     = VM.fname;
0698 Vbeta  = {Vbeta.fname}';
0699 VResMS = VResMS.fname;
0700 if nVar > 1
0701     xCon.Vspm = Vspm.fname;
0702     xX.erdf   = erdf;
0703 end
0704 if params.write_res, VResI = {{VResI.fname}'}; end
0706 fprintf('%s%30s\n',bs30,'...done')               %-#
0710 %-Save remaining results files and analysis parameters
0711 %=======================================================================
0712 fprintf('%-40s: %30s','Saving results','...writing')                 %-#
0714 %-Save analysis parameters in phiw_spm.mat file
0715 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
0716 SPM = mars_struct('ffillmerge', SPM, ...
0717           struct(...
0718               'SPMid', SPMid, ...
0719               'VY',    {VY}, ...
0720               'xX',    xX, ...
0721               'xM',    xM, ...
0722               'M',     M, ...
0723               'DIM',   DIM, ...
0724               'VM',    VM, ...
0725               'Vbeta', {Vbeta}, ...
0726               'VResI', VResI, ...
0727               'VResMS',VResMS, ...
0728               'XYZ',   XYZ, ...
0729               'F_iX0', F_iX0, ...
0730               'S',     S, ...
0731               'xPhi',  struct('estimated', 1, 'wave', thin(wvobj)), ...
0732               'swd',   pwd, ...
0733               'fname', phiw_mat_name, ...
0734               'xCon',  xCon));
0736 % save design
0737 savestruct(phiw_mat_name, SPM);
0739 fprintf('%s%30s\n',bs30,'...done')               %-#
0741 %=======================================================================
0742 %- E N D: Cleanup GUI
0743 %=======================================================================
0744 spm_progress_bar('Clear')
0745 spm('FigName','Stats: done',Finter); spm('Pointer','Arrow')
0746 fprintf('%-40s: %30s\n','Completed',spm('time'))                     %-#
0747 fprintf('...use the results section for assessment\n\n')             %-#

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