Home > phiwave > @slover > private > pr_basic_ui.m



GUI to request parameters for slover routine


function obj = pr_basic_ui(imgs, dispf)


 GUI to request parameters for slover routine
 FORMAT obj = pr_basic_ui(imgs, dispf)

 GUI requests choices while accepting many defaults

 imgs  - string or cell array of image names to display
         (defaults to GUI select if no arguments passed)
 dispf - optional flag: if set, displays overlay (default = 1)

 $Id: pr_basic_ui.m,v 1.1 2005/04/20 15:05:00 matthewbrett Exp $


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function obj = pr_basic_ui(imgs, dispf)
0002 % GUI to request parameters for slover routine
0003 % FORMAT obj = pr_basic_ui(imgs, dispf)
0004 %
0005 % GUI requests choices while accepting many defaults
0006 %
0007 % imgs  - string or cell array of image names to display
0008 %         (defaults to GUI select if no arguments passed)
0009 % dispf - optional flag: if set, displays overlay (default = 1)
0010 %
0011 % $Id: pr_basic_ui.m,v 1.1 2005/04/20 15:05:00 matthewbrett Exp $
0013 if nargin < 1
0014   imgs = '';
0015 end
0016 if isempty(imgs)
0017   imgs = spm_get(Inf, 'img', 'Image(s) to display');
0018 end
0019 if ischar(imgs)
0020   imgs = cellstr(imgs);
0021 end
0022 if nargin < 2
0023   dispf = 1;
0024 end
0026 spm_input('!SetNextPos', 1);
0028 % load images
0029 nimgs = size(imgs);
0031 % process names
0032 nchars = 20;
0033 imgns = spm_str_manip(imgs, ['rck' num2str(nchars)]);
0035 % Get new default object
0036 obj = slover;
0038 % identify image types
0039 cscale = [];
0040 deftype = 1;
0041 obj.cbar = [];
0042 for i = 1:nimgs
0043   obj.img(i).vol = spm_vol(imgs{i});
0044   options = {'Structural','Truecolour', ...
0045          'Blobs','Negative blobs','Contours'};
0046   % if there are SPM results in the workspace, add this option
0047   [XYZ Z M] = pr_get_spm_results;
0048   if ~isempty(XYZ)
0049     options = {'Structural with SPM blobs', options{:}};
0050   end
0051   itype = spm_input(sprintf('Img %d: %s - image type?', i, imgns{i}), '+1', ...
0052             'm', char(options),options, deftype);
0053   imgns(i) = {sprintf('Img %d (%s)',i,itype{1})};
0054   [mx mn] = slover('volmaxmin', obj.img(i).vol);
0055   if ~isempty(strmatch('Structural', itype))
0056     obj.img(i).type = 'truecolour';
0057     obj.img(i).cmap = gray;
0058     obj.img(i).range = [mn mx];
0059     deftype = 2;
0060     cscale = [cscale i];
0061     if strcmp(itype,'Structural with SPM blobs')
0062       obj = add_spm(obj);
0063     end
0064   else
0065     cprompt = ['Colormap: ' imgns{i}];
0066     switch itype{1}
0067      case 'Truecolour'
0068       obj.img(i).type = 'truecolour';
0069       dcmap = 'flow.lut';
0070       drange = [mn mx];
0071       cscale = [cscale i];
0072       obj.cbar = [obj.cbar i];
0073      case 'Blobs'
0074       obj.img(i).type = 'split';
0075       dcmap = 'hot';
0076       drange = [0 mx];
0077       obj.img(i).prop = 1;
0078       obj.cbar = [obj.cbar i];
0079      case 'Negative blobs'
0080       obj.img(i).type = 'split';
0081       dcmap = 'winter';
0082       drange = [0 mn];
0083       obj.img(i).prop = 1;
0084       obj.cbar = [obj.cbar i];
0085      case 'Contours'
0086       obj.img(i).type = 'contour';
0087       dcmap = 'white';
0088       drange = [mn mx];
0089       obj.img(i).prop = 1;
0090     end
0091     obj.img(i).cmap = sf_return_cmap(cprompt, dcmap);
0092     obj.img(i).range = spm_input('Img val range for colormap','+1', 'e', drange, 2);
0093   end
0094 end
0095 ncmaps=length(cscale);
0096 if ncmaps == 1
0097   obj.img(cscale).prop = 1;
0098 else
0099   remcol=1;
0100   for i = 1:ncmaps
0101     ino = cscale(i);
0102     obj.img(ino).prop = spm_input(sprintf('%s intensity',imgns{ino}),...
0103                  '+1', 'e', ...
0104                  remcol/(ncmaps-i+1),1);
0105     remcol = remcol - obj.img(ino).prop;
0106   end
0107 end
0109 obj.transform = deblank(spm_input('Image orientation', '+1', ['Axial|' ...
0110             ' Coronal|Sagittal'], strvcat('axial','coronal','sagittal'), ...
0111             1));
0113 % use SPM figure window
0114 obj.figure = spm_figure('GetWin', 'Graphics'); 
0116 % slices for display
0117 obj = fill_defaults(obj);
0118 slices = obj.slices;
0119 obj.slices = spm_input('Slices to display (mm)', '+1', 'e', ...
0120               sprintf('%0.0f:%0.0f:%0.0f',...
0121                   slices(1),...
0122                   mean(diff(slices)),...
0123                   slices(end))...
0124           );
0126 % and do the display
0127 if dispf, obj = paint(obj); end
0129 return
0132 % Subfunctions
0133 % ------------
0134 function cmap = sf_return_cmap(prompt,defmapn)
0135 cmap = [];
0136 while isempty(cmap)
0137   [cmap w]= slover('getcmap', spm_input(prompt,'+1','s', defmapn));
0138   if isempty(cmap), disp(w);end
0139 end
0140 return

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