Home > phiwave > uvi_wave > do_wtx.m



do first scale wavelet transform in x dimension of matrix


function t = do_wtx(t, h, g, dlp, dhp)


 do first scale wavelet transform in x dimension of matrix   
 FORMAT t = do_iwtx(t, h, g, dlp, dhp) 
 Calculates the first-scale 1D wavelet transform along the X dimension of
 matrix t. The second argument rh is the analysis lowpass filter and the
 third argument rh is the analysis highpass filter.
 dlp, dhp are the delays for the low-pass and high-pass filters.

 $Id: do_wtx.m,v 1.1 2004/09/26 04:00:24 matthewbrett Exp $


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function t = do_wtx(t, h, g, dlp, dhp)
0002 % do first scale wavelet transform in x dimension of matrix
0003 % FORMAT t = do_iwtx(t, h, g, dlp, dhp)
0004 %
0005 % Calculates the first-scale 1D wavelet transform along the X dimension of
0006 % matrix t. The second argument rh is the analysis lowpass filter and the
0007 % third argument rh is the analysis highpass filter.
0008 %
0009 % dlp, dhp are the delays for the low-pass and high-pass filters.
0010 %
0011 % $Id: do_wtx.m,v 1.1 2004/09/26 04:00:24 matthewbrett Exp $
0013 %-This is the help file for the compiled routine
0014 error('do_wtx.c not compiled - see phiwave(''make'')')

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