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RH2RG Calculates all the filters from the synthesis lowpass


function [rh,rg,h,g]=rh2rg(rh)


RH2RG    Calculates all the filters from the synthesis lowpass
      in the orthogonal case.

      [RH,RG,H,G]=RH2RG(RH) begins with the synthesis lowpass
      filter (RH) and returns the synthesis highpass filter (RG),
      the analysis lowpass filter (H) and the analysis highpass
      filter (G).
      It is an auxiliary function for orthogonal filters design.

 $Id: rh2rg.m,v 1.1 2004/09/26 04:00:24 matthewbrett Exp $


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [rh,rg,h,g]=rh2rg(rh)
0003 %RH2RG    Calculates all the filters from the synthesis lowpass
0004 %      in the orthogonal case.
0005 %
0006 %      [RH,RG,H,G]=RH2RG(RH) begins with the synthesis lowpass
0007 %      filter (RH) and returns the synthesis highpass filter (RG),
0008 %      the analysis lowpass filter (H) and the analysis highpass
0009 %      filter (G).
0010 %
0011 %      It is an auxiliary function for orthogonal filters design.
0012 %
0013 % $Id: rh2rg.m,v 1.1 2004/09/26 04:00:24 matthewbrett Exp $
0015 %--------------------------------------------------------
0016 % Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, by Universidad de Vigo
0017 %
0018 %
0019 % Uvi_Wave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
0020 % under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
0021 % Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
0022 % later version.
0023 %
0024 % Uvi_Wave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
0025 % ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
0026 % FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
0027 % for more details.
0028 %
0029 % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
0030 % along with Uvi_Wave; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
0031 % Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
0032 %
0033 %       Author: Nuria Gonzalez Prelcic
0034 %       e-mail: Uvi_Wave@tsc.uvigo.es
0035 %--------------------------------------------------------
0037 % Calculate rg from rh.
0039 for i=1:length(rh)        
0040     rg(i) = -(-1)^i*rh(length(rh)-i+1);
0041 end  
0043 % Calculate h and g
0045 h=rh(length(rh):-1:1);
0046 g=rg(length(rg):-1:1);

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