all_null | returns 1 if all values in object images are NaN or zero |
as_matrix | returns wvimg object as wt image matrix, or sets matrix in object |
display | placeholder display for wvimg object |
doproc | performs any necessary processing on wvimg object |
end | end method for phiw_wvimg object |
eq | eq - == overloaded method |
exist_simimg | returns 1 if similar wt image already exists |
is_wt_written | returns 1 if wvimg data has been written as vol to disk |
is_wted | returns 1 if data has been wt'ed |
isproc | returns 1 if wvimg data is ready for access, 0 otherwise |
oimgi | returns original image dimensions from object |
orig_vol | returns original vol structs from (array of) phiw_objects |
phiw_wvimg | constructor for phiw_wvimg object - a container for a wt'ed image |
putwave | associates wave object with mat file |
same_wtinfo | returns 1 if wtinfo structure matches wvobj |
subsasgn | SUBSASGN Method to overload subsasgn for phiw_wvimg object |
subsref | SUBSREF Method to overload subscripted references |
thin | returns object without image included |
thresh_apply | apply thresholding calculated previously |
thresh_calc | calculate thresholding from wt'ed statistic volumes |
write_descrip | writes description text file for object to fname |
write_iwtimg | iwt on wvimg object, save as img |
write_wtimg | saves wvimg object as .img / .mat combination |
wtinfo | method returns WT info structure from object |
wv_vol | returns WT'ed vol structs from (array of) phiw_objects |
wvfname | return wvol output filename |