< Master index Index for phiwave/@phiw_wvimg >

Index for phiwave/@phiw_wvimg

Matlab files in this directory:

 all_nullreturns 1 if all values in object images are NaN or zero
 as_matrixreturns wvimg object as wt image matrix, or sets matrix in object
 displayplaceholder display for wvimg object
 doprocperforms any necessary processing on wvimg object
 endend method for phiw_wvimg object
 eqeq - == overloaded method
 exist_simimgreturns 1 if similar wt image already exists
 is_wt_writtenreturns 1 if wvimg data has been written as vol to disk
 is_wtedreturns 1 if data has been wt'ed
 isprocreturns 1 if wvimg data is ready for access, 0 otherwise
 oimgireturns original image dimensions from object
 orig_volreturns original vol structs from (array of) phiw_objects
 phiw_wvimgconstructor for phiw_wvimg object - a container for a wt'ed image
 putwaveassociates wave object with mat file
 same_wtinforeturns 1 if wtinfo structure matches wvobj
 subsasgnSUBSASGN Method to overload subsasgn for phiw_wvimg object
 subsrefSUBSREF Method to overload subscripted references
 thinreturns object without image included
 thresh_applyapply thresholding calculated previously
 thresh_calccalculate thresholding from wt'ed statistic volumes
 write_descripwrites description text file for object to fname
 write_iwtimgiwt on wvimg object, save as img
 write_wtimgsaves wvimg object as .img / .mat combination
 wtinfomethod returns WT info structure from object
 wv_volreturns WT'ed vol structs from (array of) phiw_objects
 wvfnamereturn wvol output filename

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